2 width options for solid white beech futon V-60.87-10W-H

Item number 60.87-10W-HoR

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Sturdy white futon bed in Beech.
High quality, also suitable as a sofa and for holiday homes, hostels, colleges.
Simple, beautiful and linear shape - classic.
Supplied with 2 sets of legs, 20 cm and 30 cm.
Variants available:

60.87-10W-HoR without slats.
60.87-12W-HoR without slats.

Na... tural !


Bed frame made of solid native Beech.
The wood comes from European forests, sustainable management without pollutants.
Modern design and solid workmanship.
Finely sanded surfaces, water white.
Metal hardware for easy construction and sturdiness.

Dimensions of 60.87-10-200WoR :
Sleeping area: 100 x 200 cm
External dimensions: approx. 104 x 204 x 36/46 cm (Wide / Long / High)
Bed edge: approx. 36/46 cm high
Lower bed space: approx. 20/30 cm
Wood thickness: approx. 20 mm
Thickness of legs: approx. 100x100 mm
Mattress insertion depth: approx. 12 cm
Recommended max. load capacity: approx. 120 kg

Dimensions of 60.87-12-200WoR :
Sleeping area: 120 x 200 cm
External dimensions: approx. 124 x 204 x 36/46 cm (Wide / Long / High)
Bed edge: approx. 36/46 cm high
Lower bed space: approx. 20/30 cm
Wood thickness: approx. 20 mm
Thickness of legs: approx. 100x100 mm
Mattress insertion depth: approx. 12 cm
Recommended maximum load capacity: approx. 120 kg

Please note ! 
The more detailed photos (room-cover-cushions etc.) may only be for demonstration purposes and are not part of the offer.