Metal-free wooden bed base 100x200 slatted frame 70.95-10

Item number 70.95-10

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Disassembled slatted frame for our metal-free bed model 60.90:

If you value healthy sleep, buy bedsteads without metal components so that your sleep is not impaired by interference fields.
Ideally, this also includes a slatted frame that has no metal connectors.

Our slatted frame is only connected by means of wooden pegs/dowels and therefore fits our bed models 60.90-10.
The slatted base is compatible with beds that have continuous support slats.

The delivery is disassembled. The assembly is simple: The wooden pegs/dowels are connected with 4 side rails made of beech.
There are four side rails which are then assembled with two on the right and two on the left. (Necessary for the shipping packing size)
The top 18 spruce battens are then fitted.

The holes for wooden connecting dowels are already present in the upper slats.

The grate is without straps

Lying surface: approx. 100x200 cm
Length: approx. 199 cm
Width: approx. 79.5 cm
Body height: approx. 7 cm
Side slats 4 pieces each 5 cm high, 2.5 cm deep, 99.5 cm long
Slats with 18 pieces with approx. 2 cm height, 6.4 cm depth, 79.5 cm length
Slat spacing: approx. 4.7 cm
Dowel/peg size: 8x40 mm

Assembly instructions not necessary. All wooden parts are simply plugged together with the dowels.

In carton