Bed Drawer Roller Box for Narrow Beds 80x200 Pine White 90.10-S5W

Item number 90.10-S5W

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Solid wooden bed base made of European pine

as a rolling chest for beds with a small lying surface

Natural product wood...  logical !

Storage box made of solid European pine.
the wood comes from carefully managed forests

front and sides wash-white lacquered (i.e. with time you can see knots and wood grain shining through the lacquer)
bottom made of HDF, coated
the box runs easily on castors and can thus be conveniently pushed under the bed.
Bed linen or toys disappear quickly out of sight, are easily accessible and the room always looks tidy.

External dimensions approx. 199 x 80 x 23.5 cm
The article is delivered disassembled and is easy to assemble.

Due to the low construction depth of only 80 cm, the bed base is suitable for beds with a lying surface of 80 cm.